All industrial and intellectual property rights for the Web site and its content (copy, images, sounds, audio, video, design, creativity, software) are owned by Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. or, in some cases, by third parties.

Users may view all the elements, print them, copy them and store them on the hard drive of their computers or on any other physical support, as long as it is solely and exclusively for their private personal use. The use of these elements for commercial purposes or distribution is expressly prohibited and, likewise, they may not be modified, altered or decompiled in any way.

Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. provides access to all types of information, services, programs and data on the Internet that may belong to third parties. Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. in no way becomes the editor of this content and has no direct or subsidiary responsibility for any complaints deriving from their quality, reliability, accuracy or correctness.

Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. reserves the right to make any changes they consider appropriate on their Web site without giving prior notice. They may make changes, deletions or additions to the content and services they provide, as well as in the way they are are presented and localized.

Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. will prosecute any breach of the foregoing terms and any improper use of the content contained on their Web site, and will take all civil and criminal actions they are entitled to by law.

Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. authorizes mention of their content on other Web sites, in whatever way the site owners see fit, only if they do not fully reproduce Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. content. If a Web site places a hypertext link to any of Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. pages, users should know they are being taken to the Ramón Sanjurjo Designs S.L. site and should see the URL in their browser.